Springtime in Virginia is a beautiful time of year, with blossoming flowers and warmer weather. Unfortunately, it’s also the time of year when pollen counts skyrocket, leading to allergy attacks and a layer of yellow dust covering everything. As a homeowner in Virginia, dealing with pollen can be a daunting task, but with a few tips and tricks, you can keep your home and allergies under control.

Know the Pollen Count

The first step in dealing with pollen is knowing when it’s at its worst. Check the daily pollen count and plan your outdoor activities accordingly. Pollen counts are highest in the morning and on windy days, so try to stay indoors during those times.

Keep Your Windows Closed

While it might be tempting to open your windows to let in the fresh spring air, it’s best to keep them closed during peak pollen season. Use your air conditioning instead to filter out pollen and keep your home cool.

Change Your Air Filters

Speaking of air conditioning, make sure to change your air filters regularly during pollen season. A dirty filter can’t do its job of trapping pollen, so replace it every few months.

Clean Your Home

Pollen can quickly accumulate on surfaces, so make sure to clean your home regularly. Dust and vacuum often, and use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces. Don’t forget to wash your bedding too, as pollen can cling to fabric.

Use HEPA Filters

If you have a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, use it during pollen season. These filters can trap even the smallest particles, including pollen.

Keep Pollen Outside

Before entering your home, remove your shoes and outerwear. Pollen can cling to these items, so leave them outside or in a designated area.

Wear a Mask

If you must go outside during peak pollen season, consider wearing a mask. A pollen mask can help filter out pollen and prevent allergy attacks.

Rinse Your Sinuses

Rinsing your sinuses with saline solution can help flush out pollen and ease allergy symptoms. Use a neti pot or nasal spray to irrigate your sinuses.

Take Medication

Over-the-counter allergy medication can help alleviate symptoms, but talk to your doctor before starting any new medication. They can recommend the best treatment plan for your specific allergies.

Try Natural Remedies

Some people find relief with natural remedies such as honey or essential oils. While these remedies aren’t scientifically proven, they’re worth a try if you’re looking for alternative treatments.

Plant Low-Pollen Plants

If you’re a gardener, consider planting low-pollen plants in your yard. These plants produce less pollen and can help reduce the overall pollen count in your area.

See an Allergist

If you’re struggling to manage your allergy symptoms, consider seeing an allergist. They can perform tests to determine exactly what you’re allergic to and recommend a personalized treatment plan.


Dealing with pollen in Virginia can be a challenge, but with a few simple steps, you can keep your home and allergies under control. Stay informed about the pollen count, keep your home clean, and consider using medication or natural remedies to alleviate symptoms. By taking these steps, you can enjoy the beauty of spring without suffering from allergies.